Now heres something that doesnt happen every day but should. Nicky, who just might be the luckiest man in the universe, is walking along, minding his own business, when he passes super-hot MILF Ainsley Adams. Ainsley, whos 49 years old, is wearing a little top, a short, denim skirt and heels, and when she sees Nicky, she decides she wants some of that. So she intentionally drops her purse, hoping Nicky will stop to pick it up. Good Samaritan or opportunist that he is, Nicky kneels down to pick it up just as Ainsley does the same. And guess what! Ainsley isnt wearing any panties. Her shaved pussy is completely exposed. Hi, Nicky says, understandably flustered. Youre new here, right! We just moved in, Ainsley says, we being her and her husband. Husband, eh! So much for that, right! Wrong. Because Ainsley wants to get to know the neighborhood meat a little better. She invites him inside. Her husband is gone. He isnt going to be back for a while. And if thats not