THE BABYSITTING JOB: 18-Year-Old Babysitter Tricked into Giving Away Virginity ORIGINAL SCENE TREATMENT excerpt Scene opens on an 18-year-old school girl named Cassidy, as she arrives home from class. She entersthrough the gate, a backpack draped loosely over her shoulder, and grabs the mail off the porch. Riflingthrough the envelopes, she discovers a flyer that reads: BABYSITTER WANTED, FEMALES PREFERRED,NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, GREAT FIRST JOB. She looks it over before noticing her mom out in thegarden. Excited, Cassidy runs up to show her the flyer. Without paying much attention, her mom encourages her to call the number -- after all, this is exactly the type of first job she needs to prepare herself for becoming an adult. With a roll of the eyes, Cassidy turns away and places the call. Scene cuts to an ECU of a mans mouth as he answers the phone. Cassidy asks about the flyer. In a calm, gentle voice, the man replies that he and his wife have a young son and are looking for a bab