Kiarra Kai, Laney Grey, and Jessie Saint, are all nursing students hanging out after a class about bedside manners. Kiarra is worried because shes pretty sure her bedside manners are lacking but shes not entirely sure what shes doing wrong or what she can do to fix it! All she knows is that if she doesnt change her ways, her future as a nurse might never come to be... Laney and Jessie dont like seeing their friend being so hard on herself, so they offer to help her practice by pretending to be patients. At first, Kiarra still comes off as cold, so they encourage her to use her flirty nature to her advantage. Unfortunately, this creates some... awkward... moments as Kiarra becomes perfectly friendly but a bit too sexual for dealing with patients in a professional manner! But, wanting to be encouraging and also take care of the unexpected attraction they suddenly feel, Kiarras friends start flirting back. With Kiarra being so stressed out, what better way is there for her to relieve the tension! Maybe after she loosens up a little, shell be able to more naturally interact with her patients! It doesnt take long before the three nurses are feeling each other up, giving each oth